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© Birgit Wolz
Occidental, CA, USA



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Have you ever left a movie theater full of emotions, insights and inspiration? Did you want to share your impressions and feelings right away? Did the movie make you reflect on your own life experiences – struggles as well as gifts?

Then you might be interested in taking this a step further by making use of the transformational power certain films could have for you when you take advantage of their impact. Cinema therapy offers some tools for this process.

Cinema therapy can be a powerful catalyst for healing and growth for anybody who is open to learning how movies affect us and to watching certain films with conscious awareness. Cinema therapy allows us to use the effect of imagery, plot, music, etc. in films on our psyche for insight, inspiration, emotional release or relief and natural change.

Used as part of psychotherapy, cinema therapy is an innovative method based on traditional therapeutic principles. Even outside a therapist’s office, following certain guidelines for choosing films and watching them consciously can support personal and spiritual growth. In the case of long-standing psychological problems this is only recommended in the context of psychotherapy.

For a YouTube video with a brief introduction to Cinema Therapy click here.
For Cinema Therapy certificates click here.
For online courses for mental health professionals click here.

This site is the inspiration of Birgit Wolz, Ph.D., MFT.

Birgit Wolz Birgit has worked as a psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, and grief counselor with individuals, couples, and groups since 1991. Her practice is based in Ocidental, CA.

She facilitates cinema therapy groups and workshops for personal and spiritual growth. Birgit also offers trainings and online courses for therapists and nurses.
Information about her therapy practice is available at and she can be contacted at

The marquee graphic was created by the Robert Arnow Design Studio.
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